Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Game On

I can't believe the season is almost over. I have loved having Cam back coaching football again. Cami & I look forward to going to the games every week. Here are just a few pics from the season.
The top pic is over Cam with his brother Chris & Dad. Chris & Dad coach at OC & this year CCMurrieta & OC met for a game! It was one of the best games of the season (in my opinion). We look forward to meeting OC again next year!
The next two pics are of our Cami girl wearing her "Warrior Princess" t-shirt. For those that aren't familiar, Calvary Chapel Murrieta's mascot is the warrior. Cami loves to stand up and cheer on the players, cheerleaders, & especially her Daddy! She claps when the crowd claps & dances when the band plays. It's so much fun to watch her enjoy herself at the games. Especially now that this will be a part of our Friday nights, for a very long time.
Thanks for sharing my memories, I love for my family & friends to know what's going on with us!


Anonymous said...

**Great pics Jess! I luv that picture of the guys!
Cami looks sooo cute in her warrior shirt. "Lil Warrior".

Carrie Postma said...

love these pics! Wish I could have seen the BIG GAME! If Cami needs any "cheer" tips she can come chat with Auntie Coco ;-)